Victorious in Weakness

How does God gain the victory over those who war against Him?

He sends a child.

Most Christmas narratives include Isaiah 9: 6; “For unto us a child is born.” But they leave out the verses before that speak of shattering the yoke that burdens, breaking the rod of the oppressor, the warrior’s boots and blood-stained garments destined as fuel for the fire. A newborn child and the warrior’s defeat seem disconnected, but there is a vital connection.

How does God triumph over those who battle against the kingdom of righteousness?

He sends a child—a baby in a manger.

Remember this truth the next time you are inadequate for the task God has given you. In fact, God receives all the glory when He accomplishes His purpose through unlikely people. The greatest manifestation of God’s power is to work through people who could not do the job apart from Christ. This is what the Lord told the Apostle Paul; "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Our Eternal Anchor

Benjamin Franklin once wrote: “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” This wise founding father was aware of our need for certainty in an ever-changing world.

We search for stability but there is no such thing to be found on this earth. All people have a deep-seated need for something that will never change in their lives. We need a rock where we can anchor.

Some try to fill this need by going home to the town where they grew up. Antique collectors look for old treasures to take them back to the days when few things ever changed. Patriots look for security in the nation’s flag. Others try to find their safe haven in religious tradition and spiritual practices. Many people fill this need with legalistic religious dogmas.

            But in reality, all of the above are subject to change without notice. So where do we find a solid rock where we can anchor? This unshakeable Rock is Christ Jesus. He is the Rock in whom we can set our anchor.

“Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath”

(Hebrews 6:17 NIV).

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”

(Hebrews 13:8 NIV).

“The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Savior!”

(2 Samuel 22:47 NIV).

The Refreshing Wind of the Spirit

Throughout the Bible there are many pearls of wisdom and gems of truth. Look at how similar phrases in these two verses spark insight into God’s abundant grace.

“In the cool of the day.” (Genesis 3:8).

“In the heat of the day.” (Genesis 18:1).

In the first verse Adam and Eve had sinned and then hid from God when He came to walk with them in the garden in the cool of the day. In the original Hebrew "cool of the day” offers connotations of wind and the Spirit, and implies that God would come to them as the wind of the Spirit—the refreshing Wind of the day. But they hid themselves from God because they had sinned. In the second verse the Lord appeared to Abraham in the heat of the day to renew His promise—a son through whom the Messiah would come.

In the heat of day God brought a message of peace that came like a breath of cool, refreshing wind. The Lord delivered a word of peace, a message of grace, a promise of deliverance from the “hot” wrath of God that was to be unleashed the very next day because of the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah’s grievous sins.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they hid themselves from the refreshing, cool wind of fellowship. Their sin caused the fall of all mankind. The Lord came to Abraham in the heat of the day to redeem mankind from their sin through the son of promise. This is a "cool," refreshing picture of God’s abundant grace.

Power in Weakness

The Old Testament prophets were mighty ministers of God’s oracles. They encouraged, strengthened, warned, and disciplined God’s people. All they did proclaimed the coming Messiah. They worked in powerful ways that were awesome to witness. Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea. Some of David’s mighty men stood alone and defeated entire armies. Elijah called down fire from heaven and he cut down the prophets of Baal with a sword. Isaiah saw God’s glory shake the doorposts and thresholds of the temple and then fill with the smoke of God’s presence. Ezekiel was lifted up by his hair and then in a vision he was transported to Jerusalem.  Every one of them powerfully proclaimed the oracles of God and through great signs and wonders pointed forward to Christ. But as mighty and powerfully as they were, they only saw the reality and promise of Christ from a distance.

            Fast forward to the birth of Jesus. Did God choose a man of power and stature to fulfill His promise of a Messiah? Was Jesus born in a palace as the son of a king? No, the Lord Almighty, Maker of all the heavens and earth chose Mary, a weak vessel, to accomplish this good work. Our Lord and Savior came in humility and with signs of weakness. He was born as a baby and placed in a cow’s manger. He was began his life in Bethlehem, a no-account town. He grew up in Nazareth—and everyone knew that nothing good ever came out of that place. The prophets of old proclaimed God’s Word with powerful proclamations, signs and wonders, but the Messiah they looked forward to came into the world in weakness.

            Have you been given a gift of weakness? Have you been blessed with a position of weakness? Be encouraged in this: God’s power is best manifested in weakness. Through weak vessels God moves to redeem, to help, to heal, to comfort, to encourage, to strengthen, and to lead—because His power is best manifested in weakness. Celebrate your frailties and limitations. You might even boast in your weakness, knowing that you are being molded and shaped as a useful vessel to advance the kingdom of heaven.