Victorious in Weakness

How does God gain the victory over those who war against Him?

He sends a child.

Most Christmas narratives include Isaiah 9: 6; “For unto us a child is born.” But they leave out the verses before that speak of shattering the yoke that burdens, breaking the rod of the oppressor, the warrior’s boots and blood-stained garments destined as fuel for the fire. A newborn child and the warrior’s defeat seem disconnected, but there is a vital connection.

How does God triumph over those who battle against the kingdom of righteousness?

He sends a child—a baby in a manger.

Remember this truth the next time you are inadequate for the task God has given you. In fact, God receives all the glory when He accomplishes His purpose through unlikely people. The greatest manifestation of God’s power is to work through people who could not do the job apart from Christ. This is what the Lord told the Apostle Paul; "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).